Mini Mac: The concealer Edition

Hi Guys, 
as you know I'm a massive MAC fan and slightly obsessed with the odd concealer...
I admit that I'm a mix and match kinda girl when it comes to concealer, I actually admire anyone who uses just the one concealer and swears by it. Please fill me in on your secret....

Anyhoo, my ultimate faves will always be the MAC Select cover up concealer & The Matchmaster Concealer (7) for on the-go! I have to mention that I started using NYX's HD Concealer lately which is great - near perfect really BUT it's a high functioning concealer and a bit too OTT for everyday use. But more about that next week :)

I usually apply the Select Cover Up underneath my foundation and touch up any dark circles during the day with the Matchmaster. Combined they look beautifully together and keep me looking all bright and refreshed all day. Sheren, over at The Fashion Junkie reccomended MAC's Pro Longwear Concealer, so I'm sure to give that concealer a try soon! 

Which cosmetic brand produces the best concealers?

Anne xx
The Twenty Sumtin'. Theme by STS.