DIY | How To Get & Maintain Grey Ombre Hair

Hi everyone, 
Today I'm going to talk you through how I dyed my hair, well more my extension grey AND how I maintain this particular colour. I've been wanting a change for some time and felt that a hair colour change would be the right thing. We are lucky that we can throw in a few extensions...or a wig and completely transform ourselves. 

I've been lusting for grey hair for ages and always felt a bit hesitant, basing it on the fact that I always felt too conservative and reserved to carry such a vibrant colour. A lengthy google session later I made up my mind and suddenly found myself in Boots looking rather lost in the hair dye isles.  

*Small disclaimer at the point of dying my hair grey, my extensions were already dyed  honey/ash blonde. I was told that the lighter the hair, the easier the transition. A month before dying my hair grey I went bronde, prepping my hair for the drastic colour change. I also did not dye my own natural hair but virgin hair extensions instead. They claim to be the next real thing to actual human hair*
Taking tips from my local hairdresser and several YouTube videos (YouTube is teaching a generation) I bought the following items:

Jerome Russel Bblonde High Lift (Lifting up to 6-9 shades)
Superdug £3.99
Jerome Russel Bblonde VOL40  Maximum Cream Peroxide(For light to dark brown hair)
Superdrug £1.69
Jerome Russel Bblonde Silver Toner - Superdrug £4.49
Provoke Touch of Silver Brightening Shampoo
Superdrug £3.19 

Provoke have a whole range catering to grey hair, definitely worth having a closer look at their range. 

I have to start off by saying that this was totally a 'weekend thing' and took a total of 48 hours to complete. Harsh hair dye takes it's toll plus I'm all for doing something in total calmness...

Step 1 
Mix 2 sachets of the High Lift Powder with a bottle of the VOL40 Cream Peroxide. The sachets come with a small brush. I would strongly advise to wear plastic / surgical gloves when mixing both components. 

Step 2 
Prep hair by parting into four sections. (Skip this steps if you're dying the extensions with new or washed bundles)

Step 3
Apply hair dye 2 inches below the track to the ends. There's no need to be precise and ends up looking quite good when applied messy. I let that sink in 30 minutes and then go back and fully cover the hair in dye, making sure that the hair is entirely covered. I then covered the hair in foil and let it sit for 1 hour. 

Step 4
Rinse the hair thoroughly & Shampoo Hair with the Silver Shampoo.
I applied a bit of Argan oil to the towel dried hair and called it a day! 

The grey-ifying took place the second day and was far less stressful and toxic...those fumes...
I found that I can always assess a colour better after a few hours. If the hair still shows traces of some brassiness, apply some silver shampoo (leave in for 5 minutes) and then rinse out thoroughly.again. 

A. Apply Toner and let it develop for 30-45minutes.  
B. Apply Silver shampoo // Grey Toner until you get the desired hue of grey. 

I re-did step B 3 times...

ORS Olive Oil - Moisturizing Hair Lotion - Boots £2.90
ORS Olive Oil Nourishing Sheen Spray - Boots £2.76
Balea Repair and Care Conditioner - Balea 1.35€

After putting the hair through such a rigorous bleaching process, the hair can feel a bit dry. I should mention that I have bleached both Brazilian and Peruvian hair and would strongly advise against using Peruvian hair to achieve a grey colour. Brazilian hair on the other hand seemed to be a lot more easy to bleach and handle during the bleaching process as well as after. 

Peruvian hair will bleach BUT ends up matting a few days after. Worst week ever, first world problems eh...?

I'm a massive fan of ORS Olive Oil, I don't think there's anything that their moisturizing hair lotion can't do. It gives processed hair so much moisture and sheen. I apply the lotion daily and especially concentrate on the ends.

After about 2-3 weeks the grey colour slightly fades and I then tend to revisit the grey toner and condition it with Balea Repair and Care Conditioner. I'm not too sure where & if Balea is stocked in the UK (It's stocked in the German equivalent to Boots. So if you're in Germany and find yourself in a DM, I can only recommend it. Its absolute salon quality!). It's the equivalent to Superdrugs / Boots own brand conditioner

I hope this is useful and do let me know if you have any other questions.

Anne xx

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